Friday, August 26, 2011

of what can be achieved =); click the link below.

robbana hablana min azwajina wa zurriyatina qurrata a'yun. waja'alna lilmuttaqeena imama.

i recently realized that by reciting this du'aa, not only we are asking from Allah what we ask in the du'aa, but also to attain high rank in jannah, inshaAllah inshaAllah (refer 25:71-75).

Friday, August 5, 2011


lately, so many of my close friends and relatives were tested by Allah.

me: but she tells everyone about it ummi, how strong of her.
ummi: sometimes that is how people grief. they have to talk to people about it, so they tell everyone. however *** is diff, she can never talk about THE topic.
me: i can never talk about it either.
ummi: oh for me i have to.

after almost a year of clashes, and tension, only now i understand what caused it. ummi had to let it out, therefore that was the only thing she talked about when she talks to me. as for me, i cannot talk about it at all.

ummi continued talking about it, and i continuously wasn't able to withstand the pressure. until at one point a friend who got to know about it (she was the first person to know because i broke down in front of her post-talking to ummi) forbade me from calling home during final exams period.

it was that bad. and only now i understand the simple logic behind it. Allahu Akbar.

so many things to write about, but lack of motivation. sorry dear blog.