All praise be to Allah, for I am in a very happy marriage. We have never fought, not a single major disagreement.
But seeing other ikhwah/akhawat/islamic scholars/syuyukhs who have complications in their marriage scared me to bits. I've seen it all, arguments as early as during the engagement period, physical abuse, baling periuk, live separately for months due to disagreement, divorce, etc. What if any of these happen to us? Maybe not now but in the future, only God knows what will happen.
I told my concerns to zauji, and loved his answer. He simply said,
"bukan manusialah kita jika tiada masalah"
In the end, all those are trials and tribulations that God gave to those who can take the burden. so let's pray for them, but not be affected negatively by what happened.
I pray that in the end, everyone will live happily ever after in jannah. Even if its not with their current/ex spouse. inshaAllah.
May Allah give all of you strength to live this short, temporary, worldly life.