"No honey, it is fine. let it be" said the husband, trying to save time.
"Let me fix it". The wife was determined to perfect the bed, to please her OCD eyes.
"No. go get ready", and the husband stood between the wife and the bed, as he was firm with his decision.
And she was hurt. "Hubby always has it his way! This is unfair!" the wife silently complained.
See, it is not easy for a person who has been living to her own decisions for a majority of her lifetime, and suddenly has to receive orders from someone else.
It is not easy for an ukht who leads multiple halaqahs, who organizes programs with many participants and receiving only orders from distant murobbis, then suddenly she has to be an obedient creature, following every wishes and demands from a person. Of the opposite sex too!
So she cried. She silently protested. She recited the quran, when the husband was sitting next to her, trying to create conversations.
Then Allah showed her this aayah..
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. Quran 4:34
They have lovingly spent their savings so much for you. So righteous women, be devoutly obedient, even if its hard.
Thank you Allah. :)
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