Monday, September 10, 2012

under one roof

dok ngn adik2
huhu scary gak ah
but alhamdulillah so far so good

huu it is very scary
istiqamahlah.. huhu~
the only advice i can give from experience

huhu really?


hu what happened?

sbb once they know that you can bermudah2an dalam certain perkara
they'll take it as an okay behaviour
haha sila ambil masa dan tafsirkan bahasa yang tinggi ini

paham je kot
thats what everyone says
tp mcm tak nampak lg how big can it be

insyaAllah u can do it!
hehe well it always starts with the small stuff
like malas baca matsurat
haha contohla
or one day u dont have the time to kemas ur room
huhu those small things


pastu another challenge of living together is
u think u have all the time in the world that u tend to waste most of it on benda2 yg x mengembangkan adik2 tu pun
on benda2 yg x bawa pada ma'ani tarbiyah
mmgla baik je bagi tazkirah pasal kebersihan ke
tp kena sgt aware la apa ma'ani tarbiyah yg adik2 tu boleh dpt dr tazkirah tuuuuuu
or else buang mase je baik cr mad'u lain huhu

okay sgt membantu kot dpt heads up awal

hihi tp jgn plak tazkirah bwk buku fikrah plakkk haha

haha takleh ke?

u can do the same things, but in a different way thats all
sbb perlu je jugak balance antara ruhiy n fikrah tuu
aritu ktorg buat tazkirah buku syamail muhammadiyah
mmg bes kot.. walaupun buku mcm hadith2 psl nabi fizikal nabi la, rambut la kasut la.. mcm ape tah kesan kpd fikrah?
but the kakak made it clear that kte nak kenal nabi sbb ape.. ape hasil kpd kite?
sbb nak contohi, sbb kan jalan atas jalan yg same dgn nabi
so ade jela ma'ani tarbiyah di situ

tp cm scary bc im weak ruhiy wise

xpe je kot.. kalau x bole produce sendiri kebasahan tu, baca je la buku mana2 huhu
reading aloud activities
ikutla kreativiti anda
u can do it!! insyaAllah!

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