Saturday, November 26, 2011

I havent wrote anything in here for so long. it's not that there is nothing to write, (there are plenty) but merely lack of motivation.

Still remember my 'son' Ibrahim? Received updates from him yesterday, and it really really made my day!

Seeing him (from afar) growing up is reaaaaallly something! And seeing that he has similar interests (football and computer, hey this is no coincidence, thank you Allah!!!) strengthened the bond, and for a second, I feel that he is actually my own. Lol. Sentimental much?

But it saddened me that he didn't write anything about the future. Why oh dear?

You want to become a syahid ey?

Anyways, please pray that this particular deed is accepted by Allah. If ibrahim is meant to be a syahid in the near future, I want sahams in it too o Allah. This is the closest I can imagine getting to the holy position of a martyr.

"Child Progress Report:

1.    I am best in:playing computer

2.   I love the most: My Mother

3.   When I grow up I want to be :

4.   My school’s name is :Terra sancta

5.   My favorite subject is: Drawing

6.   I know from the Quran by heart

7.   My favorite sport is: Football"

Adopt your own child here:

p/s:did i mention he is subhanAllah extreeeeeeeeeeeeemely cute? The picture shows him wearing a big handsome smile, and dressed in a tux. Oh, he is 5 btw. ;)